Course Leader/Co-Leader/Lecturer:
Lent/Winter Terms 2023-4: Philosophy, Morals and Politics (UG & MA; one-term segment on political philosophy)
Lent/Winter Terms 2023-4: Philosophy and Public Policy (UG & MA; one lecture on gentrification plus seminars)
At Warwick:
Autumn term 2020 and 2021: Normative Analysis (MA introductory course in moral, legal and political philosophy)
Both terms 2020-1 and autumn 2021: Introduction to Politics, Philosophy and Law (1st-year, politics segment)
Spring term 2021: Political Theory from Hobbes (2nd-year, second half, 19th-century onwards, including JS Mill, Harriet Taylor Mill, liberalism and colonialism, Marx, Du Bois, Martin Luther King); sections of Justice, Democracy and Citizenship (1st year; the section on justice, including global justice and reparative justice) and Issues in Political Theory (3rd year; lectures on immigration restrictions and the obligation to obey the law and resisting injustice).
At Chicago:
2019-20 (with Martha Nussbaum): Law and Philosophy Workshop: Immigration and Citizenship (graduate workshop/seminar with invited speakers)
Autumn term 2018: Equality (3rd-year) (on glory, amour propre, moral and social equality)
Spring term 2019: Why Democracy? (2nd-year course in European Social and Political Studies)
Undergraduate and MA dissertation supervision
At UCL: One MA and 7 undergraduate students
At Warwick: Four MA and 3 undergraduate students
Teaching assistant at UCL:
Autumn term 2014: Marxism (2nd-year)
Spring term 2015: Tutorial: texts and debate (small group tutorials where topic is set by the tutor: Political Freedom) (1st-year) (see my syllabus here)
Spring term 2016, 2018 and 2019: Introduction to Moral Philosophy (1st-year)
Spring term 2016: Introduction to European History, Law, Politics and Philosophy (1st year) (TA for the philosophy section of the module), in European, Social and Political Studies department
Autumn term 2016 and 2017: Introduction to Political Philosophy (1st-year)
Spring term 2018: Equality (3rd-year) (on Tommie Shelby’s Dark Ghettos: Injustice, Dissent and Reform)
Autumn term 2018: Applied Ethics
Autumn term 2018: Equality (3rd year) (on glory, amour propre, and social equality)
Sprint term 2019: Applied Moral and Political Philosophy (an experimental module in which students worked in groups to produce a public policy report on a topic of their choice)
Teaching assistant at King’s College London:
Spring term 2018: Topics in Political Philosophy (on the ethics of migration) (3rd-year)
Tutor and seminar leader at Exeter College Summer Programme, Oxford
Summer 2018: seminars and tutorials for an intensive course on Contemporary Political Philosophy for international undergraduates
More information about teaching philosophy, sample syllabi and evidence of teaching ability available on request.
Lent/Winter Terms 2023-4: Philosophy, Morals and Politics (UG & MA; one-term segment on political philosophy)
Lent/Winter Terms 2023-4: Philosophy and Public Policy (UG & MA; one lecture on gentrification plus seminars)
At Warwick:
Autumn term 2020 and 2021: Normative Analysis (MA introductory course in moral, legal and political philosophy)
Both terms 2020-1 and autumn 2021: Introduction to Politics, Philosophy and Law (1st-year, politics segment)
Spring term 2021: Political Theory from Hobbes (2nd-year, second half, 19th-century onwards, including JS Mill, Harriet Taylor Mill, liberalism and colonialism, Marx, Du Bois, Martin Luther King); sections of Justice, Democracy and Citizenship (1st year; the section on justice, including global justice and reparative justice) and Issues in Political Theory (3rd year; lectures on immigration restrictions and the obligation to obey the law and resisting injustice).
At Chicago:
2019-20 (with Martha Nussbaum): Law and Philosophy Workshop: Immigration and Citizenship (graduate workshop/seminar with invited speakers)
Autumn term 2018: Equality (3rd-year) (on glory, amour propre, moral and social equality)
Spring term 2019: Why Democracy? (2nd-year course in European Social and Political Studies)
Undergraduate and MA dissertation supervision
At UCL: One MA and 7 undergraduate students
At Warwick: Four MA and 3 undergraduate students
Teaching assistant at UCL:
Autumn term 2014: Marxism (2nd-year)
Spring term 2015: Tutorial: texts and debate (small group tutorials where topic is set by the tutor: Political Freedom) (1st-year) (see my syllabus here)
Spring term 2016, 2018 and 2019: Introduction to Moral Philosophy (1st-year)
Spring term 2016: Introduction to European History, Law, Politics and Philosophy (1st year) (TA for the philosophy section of the module), in European, Social and Political Studies department
Autumn term 2016 and 2017: Introduction to Political Philosophy (1st-year)
Spring term 2018: Equality (3rd-year) (on Tommie Shelby’s Dark Ghettos: Injustice, Dissent and Reform)
Autumn term 2018: Applied Ethics
Autumn term 2018: Equality (3rd year) (on glory, amour propre, and social equality)
Sprint term 2019: Applied Moral and Political Philosophy (an experimental module in which students worked in groups to produce a public policy report on a topic of their choice)
Teaching assistant at King’s College London:
Spring term 2018: Topics in Political Philosophy (on the ethics of migration) (3rd-year)
Tutor and seminar leader at Exeter College Summer Programme, Oxford
Summer 2018: seminars and tutorials for an intensive course on Contemporary Political Philosophy for international undergraduates
More information about teaching philosophy, sample syllabi and evidence of teaching ability available on request.